Meet the Coaches


Melvin Airhart

Founder & Head Coach

Melvin is passionate about giving people the opportunity to live out their destiny. He has abundant experience in business, pastoral care, leadership and personal coaching.


Cherry Airhart

Life Coach

Cherry has coached and trained coaches alongside Melvin and has a wealth of experience in pastoral care and SOZO ministry.


Eric Smith

Executive Coach & Marketing Director

Eric has a degree in Architecture and Design from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. He has been an entrepreneur for most of his life. He has been in business for nearly 30 years with a background in many industries.


Tawana Lawery

Life Coach

Tawana is the perfect “Chief Inspiration Officer” for your fast track forward! Combing a 25 year stellar corporate career with her signature brand


Cristy LeAnne

Life, Business and Communication Coach

Cristy earned her degree in Business Admin from the University of Montevallo. She has leadership experience in multiple industries including banking, ministry, women's health, entrepreneurship and sales/marketing all while raising her seven children. Her joy and passion to adventure with others to discover their higher potential is contagious.

Coaching brings unique insight regarding how to get ‘unstuck’ and move forward.” – Nathan, Georgia

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