What is the difference between counselling/therapy and life coaching?

Therapy is done by a licensed professional and usually deals with pain or dysfunction arising from the past. Coaching is a certified status and focuses on present assets and opportunities, believing that these things have a remedial effect on past challenges. If you have problems bigger than life, get a bigger life! Therapy can be compared with archaeology; coaching compares more with architecture.Coaching is not therapy, but it is therapeutic, as Val Hastings, founder of “Coaching 4 Clergy,” points out. After a successful coaching session most individuals generally feel more positive about themselves and the future. In order for coaching to gain significant traction we need to begin with a healthy present. According to Laura English, PhD, coaches may look for the following indications prompting referral to a licensed therapist:

  • Issues for concern of safety, severe depressions, lack of success in getting “unstuck”

  • Persistent thoughts of self harm or suicide

  • Current environment of any form of abuse (physical, sexual, emotional, verbal) described further below

  • Inability to focus thought or carry through on basic assignments

  • Impaired in daily functions and relationships

How effective is life coaching?​

According to Public Management Magazine, a study compared training alone versus life coaching combined with training showed that training alone increased productivity 22.4% while training combined with weekly life coaching increased productivity by 88%.

​Why does having a life coach work?

  1. Accountability – to set goals and work towards achieving them within a time/resource window.

  2. Expertise – a trained coach knows how to help you set the right goals in accordance with your personal and professional values.

  3. Delivery – a well trained coach has learned terminology and technique to capitalize on ones current strengths and opportunities.

How long does it take to see results?

In most cases, the encouragement received from having a personal coach helps things to start happening quickly.

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